NUS Centre for Sustainable Medicine

Pursuing Circular Sustainability in Healthcare

Brand Strategy
UI Design


CoSM pushes the envelope for sustainability in medicine. Its vision is to achieve circular sustainable healthcare through
a holistic approach by considering various key areas. Ensuring that their vision and missions are well communicated across different channels, we position their brand as an enabler for change, one that pursue sustainability by taking into account the symbiosis that
exist between Human-Environment-Healthcare.

The Centre is newly established in 2023 and is seeking to
develop its brand identity
across multiple touchpoints.

Portraying Circularity

Circularity is one of the big idea that CoSM is built upon,
to maintain it's significance, our design language
is built around the idea of symbiosis. We aim to
highlight the interdependence of these processes
through a lemniscate. We wanted the Centre logo to immediately convey a reimagined healthcare as a truly sustainable endeavour.

Enabling Sustainability

At the heart of the Centre for Sustainable Medicine lies a profound commitment to enabling sustainability. Our branding aims to serve as a beacon, signaling to their dedication to building a future where health and sustainability go hand in hand, ensuring a healthcare ecosystem that not only meets the needs of the present but also ensures a healthy legacy for generations to come.

Fostering Balance

In healthcare, sustainability has often flew under the radar, CoSM recognises the interconnectedness of human health and the environment. Through our brand elements, we seek to communicate this belief through harmonising the portrayal of health and environmental stewardship.